Kallol provides platform for children to showcase their talent. Gujarati Samaj of NSW organises KALLOL since last 17 years to bring out their hidden talents Every year around July August GSNSW brings this programme which is Of the Kids, by the kids and for the kids.

Here, we can teach our children about culture and traditions with folk dances, music and songs.

This year Kallol has been divided in five different categories

1. Group A. 3.5Year to 6 Years
2. Group B 7 years to 10 years
3. Group C 11 years to 14 years
4. Group D 15 years to 20 years
5. Group E for Parents ( No age limit)

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1 Kid + Parents (Total 2 Adults Allowed)
2 Kid + Parents (Total 4 Adults Allowed)
Tickets purchased for this event online will incur the following:

  • No service fees
  • No booking fees
  • No fees on Credit/Debit cards
  • No refunds or exchanges

Gujarati Samaj of NSW Inc (GSNSW) is a non-profit organisation formed by volunteers of Gujarati community in Australia to keep the vibrant culture of Gujarat alive among Guajarati living in NSW.
Gujarati Samaj arranges activity around the year among their members and for the community. One of the major events is “Kallol” event. The GSNSW has been hosting this event successfully for the past 5 consecutive years. This exciting event will be held on 29th July 2017.
The Kallol is a vibrant, colourful and exciting event for Guajarati Children around Sydney. Kallol event has been a full house with children participant increasing every year.
The expected turn around crowd to participate in this event would be 1,200 + people for the duration of the event. It will include a traditional folk dance, Indian food and live traditional music performance from kids from 3.5 years to 14 years.
The Gujarati Samaj takes great pride in being able to preserve the Gujarati culture in Australia through festivals like Kallol and other cultural activities that are held throughout the year among the community members solely by volunteers who are looking ways to give back to the community.